Journal of Chemistry


Voulume: 13
Issue: 3
Article No. 1
A Significant Computation for Finding the PI index of Phenylene
Department of Mathematics, A.V.C. College (Autonomous) Mannampandal (India)
Department of Mathematics, A.V.C. College (Autonomous) Mannampandal (India)
Department of Mathematics, VELS University (India)
Abstract :

PI indices for linear Phenylene are obtained by a significant method by considering its edges in various directions and their corresponding number of parallel edges in their molecular graph. In this paper, we obtained the PI index for linear Phenylene for various cases and different structures. The corresponding indices are derived as formulas and also the inferences are tabulated and the values are compared with its structures

Keyword : Molecular Graph, Phenylene, M-Polynomial, Topological indices
Paper Download Count : 1456
View Count : 1699
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Article No. 2
Studies in Chelating Behavior Of Eriochrome Cyanine – R With UO2 (VI) And Y(III) in Presence Of Micelle Forming Surfactants, CTAB and TX.
Asstt. Prof, Dept. Of Chemistry, S.K. Gandhi College Of Arts Commerce and Science, Kada, Dist. Beed.(MS) India
Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya Sakkardara Chowk, Umrer Road Nagpur (MS) (India)
Abstract :

The Complex reactions of some rare earths in the presence of Cetyltri methyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) and Triton X (TX-100) have been studied in detail. Precision and Accuracy data has been determined which has shown increase in both in the presence of surfactants. Dye – Surfactant complex i.e. modified reagent used as a ligand has shown a bathochromic effect which changes to hypso chromic shift in presence of metal ions. The composition of chelates of uranium with Eriochrome Cyanine R was found to be 1:1 in the absence of the surfactant and 1:2 in the presence of CTAB and TX. However, the composition of Y, with ECR was found to be 1:2, both in presence and absence of CTAB and TX. The studies on evaluation of stability constants as well as on various analytical parameters including effect of foreign ions proves the utility of ECR in the spectrophotometric micro determination of metal ions under study

Keyword : Complex reaction, TPM Dye-Erio chrome Cyanine R, Surfactants- CTAB, TX-100, Sensitivity, Micro determination.
Paper Download Count : 1703
View Count : 1812
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Article No. 3
Study of the phytochemical constituents and antibacterial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria of the rhizome oil of Hedychium Spicatum (Kapoor Kacchri)
Department of Chemistry, Dayanand Girls P.G. College, Kanpur (U.P.) India
Department of Chemistry, Dayanand Girls P.G. College, Kanpur (U.P.) India
Department of Chemistry, Dayanand Girls P.G. College, Kanpur (U.P.) India
Department of Chemistry, Dayanand Girls P.G. College, Kanpur (U.P.) India
Abstract :

Hedychium Spicatum (Kapoor Kacchri) is a vigorous tall growing ginger and consist multiple stem per pot. The underground part rhizome is useful in preparation of indigenous medicine. The crude extract of rhizome has been used in preparation of anticancerous drug. In addition to its medicinal values, the plant rhizome is reported to posses anti inflammatory, hypoglycaemic, vasodialator and hypotensive properties as well as antibacterial activity against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The major chemical constituents are limonene, cineole, terpinene, linalool, p-cymene, terpeneol and phellandrene.

Keyword : Indigenous medicine, anticancerous drug, antibacterial activity, phellandrene, anti inflammatory
Paper Download Count : 1474
View Count : 1668
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